Wednesday, February 15, 2012

V Day

I know I know...
V day with my parents is totally romantic! HA HA

I'm sorry but I have to get corny for a minute.
All day yesterday as I was cleaning like a mad women to make the house
perfect for Josh when he got home, I was thinking how lucky I am to have so many people
in my life that I love so much!
Some times I feel like I have so much more than I deserve.
An amazing husband who is a solid provider for our family
and who is my rock when my emotions are all over the place, he's always
there strong and immovable. 
Not 1 but 2 amazing, heathy and happy children who I love more 
than I could ever express. I look at them and see my own heart
walking around outside my body.
All I want to do with my whole life is love them.
I don't care if I ever run a marathon, become president of the
United States or queen of the universe.
Sure I'd love to sing my heart out on a big stage, but that's
more of a dream than a life goal. 
I'm serious, I'm not the best mother in the world and I know that
but all I want to do is love these people and
I know that every minute of the rest of my life wouldn't be enough
to equal the actual amount of love that I have for them.
And so much more....
We are so blessed
We really are.

Some of the many happy faces of Peyton.
This girl is very expressive and really makes the funniest faces!
You should see her killer glare! haha

 My kids LOVE bubbles
And their grandparents!!!

And roses from my Valentine


  1. Sweet post friend.
    I love your words at the beginning. :)

    P.S. Your parents look so great!

  2. Lovely post - The pic of Peyton between you and your mom is great - So sweet.

  3. I love how your so in love! You have such a wonderful family! thanks for sharing!
