This was ALL Josh's idea, he was ridiculously excited to go to the zoo =)
Jacob was very excited to see the giraffes
and I think they are my favorite
Smiles at the lions den
This guy walked right pass us!
I had no idea he could be out and walking around so I
did kinda have a moment of panic thinking he got out somehow
I just think they are cute!
Real men DO refer maps AND ask for directions
(which he really did, but I didn't think to take a picture, darn)
And apparently they pick their noses too
Look the T-rex was out on display! LOL I crack myself up
It was pretty fun when the penguin swam right in front of him
And he was surprisingly excited to see this elk... boring (LOL)
Let me be honest with you, I am secretly TERRIFIED,
I'm talkin SCARED TO DEATH of monkeys!
I think it's because I saw the movie Congo at a very young age
Thanks mom!
She did such an AMAZING job!!!
But the poor thing has her first sun burn.
I didn't think of sunscreen on a partly sunny day, my fault!
I LOVE elephants, but these ones look so sad to me =(
Like really sad! I one only has one tusk and its other ear has a huge chunk missing.
And then this one looked beat up.
I didn't like it.
Yeah, you go ahead and lay around and stick you tongue out,
I still don't like you
It's a weird feeling letting your baby this close to a deathly animal : /
Jacob kept saying things like
"Night night jaguar" "Oh jaguar tired" "Jaguar sleeping"
He loved them
A few hours later we saw him again and someone must have gotten
him all worked up because he had his feathers up and was
shaking and looked very aggressive.
Well it was a very fun day!
Sorry for the picture overload hee hee
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