Friday, April 15, 2011

Peyton's Big Day

  I'm a Big Girl!!!
I'm ONE Mom! I'm one! Mommy, I'm ONE! YAY!

Birthday Breakfast

Birthday Pictures

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

FISH FACE! hee hee

She's actually walking in this next one, and you can tell she's so proud of herself =)

Birthday party

Daddy bought me flowers, mommy almost cried cause she thought
it was SO CUTE!

Me and Grandpa

 Jacob is playing with MY birthday present 

Loves from my grandma's
By the way, I LOVE celery!

Jacob's playing with my birthday presents again!

And that's a wrap!


  1. Haha your kids are too cute! Looks like your cupcakes turned out beautifully!! And I love Peyton's birthday pictures in the tutu! =]

  2. So cute Rachel. The cake pictures are always my favorite! What a lucky girl to have a mommy like you!
