Sunday, April 24, 2011

Our Easter Weekend

Here's our fun and busy Eater weekend:
First we had a BBQ with my parents and an Easter Egg Hunt!
Note: it was 70 and sunny out side! 

My mom was helping Jacob find the eggs,
He was so excited and running around the yard.
Peyton was watching from the deck and
Josh was BBQing some awesome chicken! He's getting quite good!

 Easter Morning

Yeah, I know, we spoil our kids!
Actually MOST of the eggs were empty
and Peyton's eggs had yogurt melts for babies
because she's a little young to have candy

Jacob was happy, I have been looking for Chick Hicks FOREVER!

P was a grump... : /

She cheered up after breakfast (don't we all?)

I have tons of cute pictures of Jacob with the ears
Peyton didn't leave it on must longer then this one photo LOL

We went to church while dad and Peyton stayed home because
Josh didn't feel well. I was so nice to have my arms free for once. I think
I was a little hyper at church

Then we went to the BIG Easter Egg Hunt at Josh's Grandma's house

Josh's grandma has 2 chickens and Jacob LOVED them!
He kept saying hi to them and I think he fed that at one point

We love Aunt Symantha!

Lookin for more eggs

Josh's mom and her man ;)


LOL Doesn't that go with out saying???

The Girls

Jacob kept saying "Whoa cool lion!" but wouldn't go near it

Crazy cousins!

Jacob was playing the piano and singing the ABC song!!!
Which he has down pat as well as Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, 
itsy bitsy spider, happy birthday.... can't remember what else
but he likes to sing, like his MOMMA! =)

Peyton crawled up very slowly and just sat there for a few minutes just staring.
She was very interested in it but she wouldn't touch it either

I feel the need to point out that all though the pictures are cute 
(if I do say so myself) and everyone seems happy, it was actually kinda stressful.
My kids hadn't had a nap all day and Jacob kept playing in the water fountain
and getting into things and running away as soon as the back door would open
 and Peyton only let me put her down for 5
minutes the WHOLE time! All in all it was a great weekend, but
I just felt the need to add that. ha ha
For my own reasons. Maybe so if I look back at these photos
in a few months and think to my self "awe, look how cute
my kids are, lets have another!" I can read this disclosure and 
stop the insanity at once! ;)

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