Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My biggest excuse for not blogging...

Probably in the last 5 years, I have discovered how much I LOVE to read! I LOVE it! I'm serious, I LOVE IT! I used to think that people who loved to read where as crazy as people who love to run! But NO! There is NOTHING greater (in down time that is) then curling up on a big comfy couch in a quite clean house with a soft blanket wearing soft jammies with maybe a nice smelling candle and reading good book. Except I would NEVER know because my reading experience completely different, but wasn't that a nice mental picture? I'm reading as fast as I can while I fit it into my normal day of taking care of 3 kids (note the husband is in the kid category hee hee). I'm not kidding you, when I'm into a good book, I will read while I do anything and everything! Making dinner, getting dressed, changing diapers, feeding kids YOU NAME IT! I mean, not all books get me THAT bad, but these were THAT good! I am fighting with myself from going to the store to get the 4th book, there will be SIX YES! Josh is shaking his head, poor Josh! But I NEED to get stuff done around the house and on my todo list so I absolutely cannot go get book 4! Seriously, Friday afternoon April 8th (with my birthday money yay) I went to costco and picked up the first book and by noon tuesday April 12, I was DONE with ALL THREE! I didn't even use a book mark! I just set the book down open, did whatever NEEDED both my hands and picked the book back up. That doesn't make me sound crazy right? Ha ha, and I'm really not bragging about how fast I read, I'm just saying they were that good! =) AND they are going to be a movie! Anyways, there ya go. I'm a BIG BOOK NERD! The cats out of the bag ;)

Oh and THANKS Emily for recommending them on your blog a little while back. I have looked at these books before and read the description and they looked, well for lack of a better word, kinda dumb. Plus the whole vampire and werewolf thing has been done, I'm over it ya know? But no I really liked this authors take on it and just really enjoyed her telling me a fun story. So thanks! Side note, ALL other book recommendations are welcome! I LOVE it when a friend tells me that I have to read this new book or this new series! Just in case you wanted to know, this is my favorite book! It did take me about 150 pages to really get into it, I have to admit, I have read it 4 times and I LOVE it and laugh and cry each time...

Another GREAT one that I LOVED...

And here are some GREAT series books...

The Hunger Games was the most addictive book, I found myself unable to sleep cause I was thinking about it so I would just sit up and read with the light of my cell phone in bed. It was a little ridiculous I have to admit.

Well, there are others, but I'm stinkin tired. Let me know if there is a book that you loved so I can fall in love with it too! And if you need other book recommendations, I have more. I'm sadly too impatient to wait for a book to come in to the library, but Josh and I BOTH are IN LOVE with half priced books! We could spend hours there! 


  1. It's okay Rachel, I'm a book nerd too! haha. I only wish I had more time to read. I wonder if I'll ever have time once I actually have kids. But I kind of already have one, because my husband also falls into that "kid" category. I'll have to take note of these books so I can put them on my "to read" list which is getting LONNG.

  2. We totally have the same taste in books....I have read all of those books and LOVED them, too! I haven't read the 4th book in the Mortal Instruments series yet. Maybe I'll buy the book and then you can borrow it when I'm done?!? What other books do you recommend? I love getting lost in a book and staying up late, reading it by the light of my cell phone, because I just can't put it down. Haha Though I can't say I've ever changed a diaper while reading! =]

  3. Hmm, I'll have to read those. I've never heard of them. I love love to read as well. However, I've been finding it pretty hard to read lately with these kids... Oh how I miss it!

  4. You crazy girl! Did you stay up late again last night?! Just let me know when you're done with those and you can borrow mine ;).

  5. I love all these too. We totally have the same taste. I'd love to see more. I need a new good read.
