Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Life as seen through Photo Booth

We are Mac people and Mac's have a camera built
right in with this fun app called Photo Booth
and we have been playing around with it for years
Hope you get a good chuckle
Cause we sure did!

Newly married
Our old place

Got preggo 6 weeks later (Valentine's Day)

 New Years Midnight Kiss

Didn't take any pregnant pictures with Photo Booth,
but here's my sweet new born


New Place

Pregnant again, can't you tell? I'm glowing
Jacob's wearing his " I'm a Big Brother" shirt


My 2nd sweet new baby



  1. That was A LOT of fun! :)

    Also there's a children's muesum in Seattle, but it's a little different and it doesn't have the huge playground. But it's 30 minutes closer to you! :) We plan on going there very soon.

  2. 1. You are so amazingly gorgeous and so photogenic! Phew. What a babe. 2. What a fun idea! I love the New Years one and the way you can get a photo with the little ones without using a clicker. Love these. Andy Warhol would be jealous. Also would be awesome on a little kidlet valentines. I need a this fo sho.

  3. You guys are so funny! I found your blog on facebook and had to sneak a peek!
