I've been told that I blog too much about my kids
AND that I only post pictures and I need to write more SO
Here you go, a blog post that has almost nothing to do about kids
I warn you, it's completely random things that I find interesting. You may not...
Have you ever seen PURPLE potatoes???
We LOVE fingerling potatoes! In fact, they are one of our
favorite side dishes and they are SO EASY!
The best place I have found to get them is Costco
They come in a mixed bag with yellow, red and purple!
Just LOOK how purple that is!
And you know what, Josh and I cannot tell the difference in flavor at all.
So here's some tips for cooking them...
Wash them off and put into a pot of water cold then put them
on the stove and turn it to high. No need to pierce them with a fork.
Then you "BTBRTS"
If you know what that means you get 2 points for being
a TRUE Food Network fan like me! =)
Bring to boil, reduce to simmer for you less cool people
I always add a little salt to the water and, if I have it, a
smashed clove of garlic.
So you boil them for 10 minutes
then drain them in a colander and cover with a kitchen towel
for another 10 minutes, they steam and finish cooking.
They come out perfect every time even though they are all different shapes and sizes.
We simply cut them in half and you eat them with your fingers
kind of like a french fry. TRY IT!
Next. A great use of an empty space, if I do say so myself!
We have 2 microwaves for 2 reasons;
1. we already had it when we moved here from our last place
2. this microwave sucks, for lack of a better word. It takes
18 minutes to defrost a pound of meat verses 5 minutes in the other one.
I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. I love it hee hee
Cause all those jars of baby food were taking over the pantry
The egg test
Do you see it? The difference between farm fresh eggs and the eggs you get
from the store? The three more yellow yokes are brown eggs
and the orange yoke (the way yokes should look) are from Josh's dad's chickens.
He has I think 17 chickens and they are happy spoiled chickens.
Some "cheaper" eggs are even more light yellow. And further more, the farm fresh eggs
have more "egg" in them. For example, if I'm making french toast (BTW I'm
a self proclaimed expert on french toast) if I'm using farm fresh eggs, I only
need 3 eggs verses the other eggs I need 4.
Interesting huh?
Like I have said before, ever since we have moved into this ward
we have had the BEST luck on BOTH home teachers
and visiting teachers even though it has switched a few times.
Here's what my super sweet visiting teacher brought over this time...
Um.... YUM!!! Do you see the love baked right in?
Here let me get a little closer...
It was SO GOOD!
Yes I said was, less then 24 hours and it's completely gone!
And it was delivered right out of the oven cause it was still HOT! Mmmmmm
Oh and I can't forget to mention the honey butter
I adore honey butter!
thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou Deb!
You're a fabulous cook, an amazing mother and a true friend.
Ever since we moved in, I noticed that there is just such a brightness about you.
You just glow. Like sunshine.
Just to name a few of your outstanding qualities.
Oh my gosh! You got me. The throat lumps... you made my day! Year.. :) :) :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all....I adore the pictures of your cute kids...keep em coming. Second, thanks for all of the tips. BTBRTS??!? I can't believe I've heard that before, lol. Also, I want to try the purple potatoes! Haha
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...and I want this french toast recipe of yours (if you are willing to give it to me!)...it has turned out to be a disaster every time I've tried to make french toast.
ReplyDeleteWHAT!?! French toast is the easiest thing in the world, but I make it all the time so I have it DOWN! =) Here's a basic "recipe" (I use " " because there are so many things you can do to change it up, so it's not an exact recipe)
ReplyDeleteFor you and Tommy, you probably wont need more then 3 eggs.
Basic recipe:
I preheat the skillet to med heat while I make the egg dredge.
Take three eggs, beat them up well in a shallow dish. Then add a Tablespoon of milk (the fatter the better, if I have half and half or heavy cream on hand I will use it) and teaspoon of vanilla. Beat that in. I beat mine very well till it's one color. Then I take cinnamon and sprinkle the entire top of the egg mixture and I beat some more and try to make it as even as possible although it will still have cinnamon lumps and that it fine. Then, I always use pam spray with each new piece of bread. I don't let the bread sit in the eggs for more then a second on each side because it gets to soggy. Cook each side (I don't know exactly how long cause I've never timed it) until the eggs are a light golden brown. I put butter on it while it's hot and there ya go =)
Some variations:
Same as the basic recipe but I also add just a 1/4 of a teaspoon of almond extract.
To be "healthier" I will add a half of jar of pureed veggies baby food or you can puree them your self (carrots or sweet potatoes) to the basic recipe. You can hardly tell. Great for kids.
For a citrus twist I will add 2 T orange juice instead of milk and maybe a splash of water, zest of an orange or lemon if and a splash of lemon juice if I have it. I still add vanilla and cinnamon because orange and cinnamon go so well together!
At Christmas time I put a pinch of nutmeg and EGG NOG instead of milk and it was SO YUMMY! ha ha
There ya go, you can do all sorts of stuff with french toast. I've never made stuffed french toast, that's always in the back of my mind.
If you still have problems with it, come over and we will make it together! hee hee
I enjoy kid posts, but I enjoy food posts, too. You've pegged two of my loves!