There are 2 movies that touch me so deeply and I never want to forget why.
You might be surprised at the movies
but once you learn the reason, maybe you'll understand.
Surprised or confused?
I'll explain...
the night Josh and I brought home our new born son
from the hospital after his birth, we walked into the door, he slept peacefully
and perfect the whole way and continued to sleep once we got inside. We both
sat down on the couch and wondered "what do we do now?"
We were both exhausted because we didn't sleep at the hospital for more
then a hour or so at a time because we kept checking on him and couldn't stop holding him.
He was perfect and more beautiful then I ever imagined.
For whatever reason, we decided to take a nap on the couch
(I don't know why we didn't just go to bed)
and Josh suggested we put on a movie. He looks though our
small collection of burn copies we got from a previous boss of mine
and Josh thought to himself "I better pick a cartoon, we have a kid now"
So he picked Ratatouille, sat back on the couch and 2 seconds later he was
asleep while I lounged there looking from my sleeping husband to my sleeping baby,
watching Ratatouille and thinking how incredible blessed my life was.
I will never forget that tender moment
Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince:
This one also has to do with my off spring. We brought Peyton home and
things were perfect for about a month.
Then, Peyton started to get fussier and fussier until one day
she got to a point where if she was awake she was screaming.
This lasted for the next 3 long months.
It was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.
I slept on the couch with her because it was just easier that way.
She wasn't sleeping for more then a few hours and I didn't want her
upstairs waking up Jacob and Josh all night.
Nothing, and I mean nothing would calm her down. She just had to grow out of it.
At that time we had free HBO since we were new to comcast
and it just so happens that Harry Potter was on HBO at that time.
And when HBO has a new movie out, they play it ALL the time!
Every few hours. And I love the movies so when I saw that Harry Potter was
on in those late hours, I knew that that night of dealing with an inconsolable baby
would be just a little bit better.
I must have watched that movie at least 30 times in that 3 months
(because there are a lot of not so good things on HBO at that time,
and because we don't personally own very many movies)
What made thing all of the sudden thing of that you ask?
Ratatouille is on the disney channel right now and I'll admit to a
few tears thinking back on those first few nights as a new mother.
I don't ever want to forget these little things
Although this is my favorite movie of all time!
Aw that is sweet. =] Isn't it funny how something like a movie or a song can bring back a special memory or time in your life? I love it.