Thursday, May 26, 2011

BIG changes to my garden

I cannot tell you how accomplished I felt after I put in my garden,
took all the photos and did my little blog post about it. So excited in
fact that that night I decided to go to youtube and type in
"how to garden....." and did research on each and ever plant that I had.
Well, after 3-4 hours on the computer I learned a few things. 
Long story short,  I was doing quite a few things WRONG and
they NEEDED to be fixed if I wanted anything to survive and produce.
Take my advice and use youtube! It's a GREAT resource! Seriously!

Here are my changes:

On my first garden, I basically took my onion starts (all 3 of them),
took them out of the container and stuck them in the ground.
Can't do that. Here's why: I wasn't giving the onion any room to form,
the starts NEED to be a few inches apart so a little onion could grow under
ground. DA Rachel! Through the many youtube videos, I discovered that you
can be quite rough (but not TOO rough) with those little onion tops. 
You need to separate each and every one, dig a trench, and plant them
a few inches apart in rows. We now have rows and rows and rows of 
onions in that little plot. It's basically my onion patch.
Next are the cucumbers.
You can see the 12 or so sprouts in a row.
Again, like the onions, I just took them right out of the
start and planted them in the ground. You need to 
carefully take them apart and plant them a few inches apart.
As you can see, mine are quite close and that might be a problem later because
if each one of those sprouts grow, they will have their own vine
and could knot into each other. I still need to get or make a trellis for the
vines to creep up.
Lastly (in this area) there is the garlic.
It's actually the wrong season to plant garlic.
You plant your garlic in the fall, just like tulips, because they are a bulb too.
So, in the fall I will be planted a bunch. Although it's my first time
with growing garlic, according to my research and what I already know
about gardening, garlic is probably the #1 easiest thing to grow.
(#2 would have to be sugar snap peas) It doesn't need
a whole lot of space, great to plant in a bucket or tall pot because they like to be
4-6 inches deep. You just take a head of garlic and take apart the cloves. 
(you don't even need to peal them, but you can if you want)
Then you simply plant the individual cloves deep in the dirt with 
the root end pointed down with enough space in between
for a head of garlic to grow. DONE! Fresh, home grown garlic. Once you 
pick it and dry it, the garlic will stay good for 3 months at least!
I'm pretty excited about it.

Moving on
Here is my plot that I MADE ON MY OWN! I'm so proud of myself!
Celery (8) is on the left 
Broccoli (8 also) on the right
Each one needs about 2 ft, which I don't have so I 
stager planted them in the hope they will all fit.
Each broccoli should produce more than one head of broccoli
so I should have a ton of it, but it freezes very well.

Let's talk pumpkins:

I'm super excited and super hopeful about my pumpkins.
They really are my babies!
So we bought 3 starts and each start has 3-4 pumpkin sprouts and each
sprout needs an 8 ft spread! Crazy! What were we thinking?
I don't know, don't ask. Over excited for Halloween I guess
(I LOVE Halloween incase you didn't know, like a ton!)
I left the 4 small pumpkin sprouts in hope that this is enough room for them
and moved the other 2

Here are my other 2 pumpkins:
You need to build a mound of dirt and then the vines will
hopefully spread along the fence.
There IS a real chance that they could take over the yard.
I think it all depends on what kind of summer we will have.
If it's super sunny, they should do quite well.
If not, I think they will still grow, but not as much and may not
produce as many pumpkins, and the pumpkins that are produced 
might never turn orange. It all depends.
I will say this though, the pumpkins are the most exciting
to watch because they change every single day. So fun.
Although it will be a pain to mow around.
I guess it's a good think we don't mow our yard ;)
just kidding Josh!

Here's my first strawberry bud. I can't even tell you how excited
I am about that silly little thing!

 Oh and I just had to take a picture of this tree in my neighbors yard.
Isn't it BEAUTIFUL! I just love it! 
And so do the bees, this tree just hums like electricity because of
ALL the bees in it.
I also LOVE the tree/bush I'm not really sure, right next to it
with the little green leaves starting to grow.
I just think it looks cool. I want to reach over and cut a few
for a big vase in my house. I think that would look cool.
But I wont ;)
BUT these people also have a cherry tree right behind the massive pink
tree and there is a long branch that goes into our yard
so that means I can eat those ones right? =)
last year they did NOT pick ANY of their cherries, I was SO MAD!
They just let the birds eat the. I was tempted to climb the fence
in the middle of the night and pick all the cherries, cause that's
such a waste. This year, I might just do that

LASTLY (and very importantly)
We bought 4 bags of new soil and mixed it in the the existing dirt
(I recommend doing this before you plant everything, not
after like I did. Pain-in-the-butt)
AND we bought a few bags of good organic compost and mixed
that in too. I think this will make a big difference then
if I hadn't done it.

Things that still need to be done:
~Cucumber trellis
~I have a big empty pot that some broccoli was in and I want
to plant some herbs.
~I think I have a little slug problem because some of my 
cucumber leaves have little holes in them
SO I need to go buy some beer (yes you heard me right) and I'm going
to put a few plastic containers level with the dirt
and fill them with the beer. It attracts the slugs
and then they fall into the container and drown.
Sad, I know, but they will take out your garden over night
if you have a real problem with them.
I'm working too hard.
I've never bought beer before so I'm actually a little nervous
about it! ha ha ha
SO, to all my LDS friends, if you see me at the store
in the next few days and you happen to notice
a bud light in my cart, I swear, it's for my garden! ha ha

Thanks for reading!
I know that this might be a bit boring for everyone
BUT I'm so excited about my garden. 
There is just something about working with the earth
and growing my own food for my family. 
It just makes me feel so good.
I think next year's garden will be even better

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