Friday, November 11, 2011


Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Here's us leaving to go trick or treating.
Jacob was SOOOO excited! 
We found out that we were starting WAY too early! We didn't know!
We left the house at 5:50 thinking "okay we are going to go to
a few of our friends in the neighborhood and then come right back so
we can answer our door," But people were telling my sweet boy
that they weren't ready yet! WHAT! Really? We weren't the 
only people out, but there weren't very many yet.
Oh well, whatever. Live and learn. 

His first door! As he gets older and older, he seems to get more
shy. He would NOT say trick or treat for anything. He would
simply hold up his bucket and wait patiently.

Sugar high! Dive bombing the couch. I LOVE his dimples hee hee

She's in candy heaven! It's all over her face and her dress.

This was Josh's stash. He kept giving me things when I was
answering our door saying
"Hold this one for me" and it kind of make me chuckle how big
his "little" stash got!

Side note: Josh told me that next year I need to make Jacob dress
up as something more "cool" and less cute and corny. lol
and he's right...

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