I am pretty passionate about my little garden
I wish that we were getting more sunshine for my garden to truly thrive
and I'm wishing I had more space to do more!
I have a few questions
If you have a minute and know the answers, please let me know...
First of all, these are the same pots, 6 weeks apart.
Both the strawberries and cherry tomato plant have taken off
(better then I thought) and are now growing all over each other.
There is also a few dill sprouts because I thought i would have enough room.
I harvested the dill seeds from my own dill plant last year!
It makes me SOOOO HAPPY to use my OWN seeds!
Do you see the strawberry "shoots" hanging down off the pot?
It really wants to take over! And let me tell you, the strawberries
off that plant ARE AMAZING!
Just look at those strawberries!
They are red through and through unlike the ones at the
store that are white in the middle.
And they are soooo sweet and juicy!
Next year... WAY more strawberries!
And there are some yellow flowers on my tomato plant
that means tomatoes aren't far away
Here's some pumpkins. These will be those cute small ones
These are the same pot 2 months apart. They were just starting to
sprout on the left. I have no idea what they are.
They are from a seed packet I got at a RS activity
I think they are all flowers though
These next 2 are the same plot 6 weeks apart
Every single cucumber died (not enough warm and sun)
as well as my garlic (wrong season, plant in fall)
The onions aren't looking that great. Some are looking awesome
but in the middle of my plot it seems a bit bare.
I'm thinking about getting some miracle grow
anyone have any opinions about that???
Also, my carrots that I did from seed are on the left side there
but I'm really surprised that they aren't more. There are a TON of
seeds that never came up. You can see all the gaps, I seeded that
whole row along the left side. 2 rows.
So, like I said, all my 16 cucumbers died, but LOOK what popped up
in it's place! Those are the pumpkins I planted LAST year
from seed and never sprouted.
Kinda exciting. At least that's what I think they are since I saw
the pumpkin seed come up with the sprout.
You can even see it there are on ground next to the left sprout
Look at this beautiful guy! He sprouted in my onion patch!
Know what that is? Its a cherry tomato plant!
Josh's grandma (a great gardener) told me that I should
leave the cherry tomatoes that had fallen to the ground and let them
rot there because I might get a tomato plant from the seeds.
And I DID! Last year I had a few tomato plants in there.
It's not the most effective way to garden, but I think it's exciting!
I almost pulled when I was weeding one day, but I thought it didn't
look like a weed. It smells like a tomato plant, but there is a chance I'm wrong.
But I'm pretty sure it's a tomato plant.
Here are my medium size pumpkins
(my cinderella pumpkins got taken out by slugs)
It's just starting to flower. Please give me more sun!
So I did some research and discovered that pumpkins have
male flowers and female flowers. The male flowers come first
and wont produce a pumpkin (photo on the right)
and the female flowers come after the male flowers
and have a roundness at the base (photo on the left)
and that my friends is a infant pumpkin! YAY! I only have one so far
but I have my fingers crossed for more!
is that a teeny tiny baby maple tree?
On to my ground plot
6 weeks ago 8 celery (left) 8 broccoli (right)
Just LOOK how much they have grown! I LOVE it!
I have also added 4 romaine lettuce and 2 spinach
The spinach looks SO WEIRD!
I think they went straight to seed, but I don't understand how
to harvest those seeds. Oh well, it's also the wrong season for spinach.
They like colder weather.
But we LOVE the romaine lettuce! I get about enough
for 2 salads for 2 people (kids don't really eat it, but we try)
twice a week! I wish I would have done more of that too!
And it tastes really good (for lettuce)
Here's Jacob as a reference point as to how big those
broccoli plants are
Each broccoli (even the tiny one in the back that looks like it's
not going to make it) has a small head.
Not mine. My neighbors have a cherry tree in their backyard
and I have vowed this year that if they don't pick them again
than I will!
Herb Garden
6 weeks apart
Some things are doing awesome and taking off! (peppermint and parsley)
Somethings looked like they weren't going to make it
and came back (basil and sage)
and some things are confusing the heck out of me (thyme and oregano)
I'm not sure what the oregano is doing.
It's really tall and looks like it's going to seed, but I'm not sure.
The growth at the top doesn't have any leaves on it, just
what looks like will be flowers soon.
The Thyme: the lime thyme half of the leave turned orange (why?)
and the lemon thyme half of the stems leaves fell off leaving
just a few leaves on the end (why?)
Does any one know?
Also in herb land is my dill
I LOVE dill and I'm so excited that I got to use
my own seeds! It's just so exciting!
When I saw that the strawberry and tomato pot was growing like crazy
I was worried that they might give too much
shade to the dill seeds I planted in that pot so I planted some more.
I have MORE dill seeds if anyone would like them!
Because I plan on harvesting more dill seeds when
the time comes, so please let me know if you would like some seeds.
you are EXTREMELY adorable
ReplyDeletei feel the same every year
yep on the baby maple
cheers for your gift pumpkin and tomato!
your broccoli is not going to get bigger, thats it. don't let it go yellow and check for little wormies before you cook, they are tiny and sneaky
love that you are so into it!
oh and after the first crown of broccoli you will get more ....let the first one get as big as possible before it turns into flower then cut it back and wait for more little crowns throughout the plant
ReplyDeletelooks like you're having success! YUM!