Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2011 Garden

Here it is!
I'm sure you're all dying to see it! =)
I REALLY wish I could do MORE!
I LOVE to garden

When I say from last year, I mean that they were planted
last year, survived the winter and grew on their own
 with out me doing anything but weed.

The pumpkins took me FOREVER!
Because the dirt was FULLLLLL of rocks! So I had to fish them
all out and put more dirt for the pumpkins to grow in. 
But I'm really proud of what I did!
I know it's a SMALL space for pumpkins, I'm 
just not sure what else to do....

If you are a gardening expert:
(Not to name any names... Debi hee hee)
PLEASE let me know if I have done something wrong 
while there is still time to fix it. 
I know that my little triangle plot is going to be SUPER TIGHT.
Just know that it was here when we moved in.
I would have put a bigger, rectangle shaped plot.


  1. Mmm, looks good Rachel! I like the idea of having a garden, but let's just say I my thumb is as far from green as possible. We are growing peas though, I figured it was a easy thing to start with and fun with the kids :) Can't wait to see how the pumpkins turn out, I know you are super excited about those!

  2. You are so awesome! I'm no expert, but your garden looks good as far as I can tell. And I can't believe you grew your own ball! haha JK ;0)

  3. I wish I had a yard so bad! Your garden looks great, Rachel :)

  4. I'm so glad you labeled the ball, I was so confused. =)

  5. Awesome! I love it! Baby green is beautiful.
