Monday, March 21, 2011

A glimpse into a possible future

This morning I had the opportunity to see what it would be like
to have 5 kids

First we played with toys
then they begged me to watch a movie so
I put on Mickey Mouse
I love how Peyton is hanging out with her brother



While the bigger kids watched TV
the little kids watched me make a roll out some
shortbread cookie dough
I used this recipe because it doesn't call for any eggs
so it would be no big deal if someone touched it and ate it.
Plus it's really good!
 And good thing I did because my little monster
kept grabbing the dough till I kicked him off a stool and game him
a chair to sit on.
These boys are just a few weeks apart

Ready to cut out some "spring" shapes

YAY for cookies!

And here's some colored sugar to sprinkle our cookies with
It's just white sugar with the tiniest drop of food coloring

While the cookies baked, 
time for lunch
This was an eye opener for me because my friends two year old
had such great manners! And Jacob usually does but maybe 
because other kids where over he didn't I'm not sure
but he dumped all his water on his lap on purpose I think because
it wasn't juice, he made confetti out of his apple and spread it all over
the table and wiped his hands on his chair

Here's our cookies

Now we all get a little wild and hyper
They would stand on the ottoman and dive bomb the couch.
The whole time, in the back of my mind, 
I was thinking "their mom would not approve, maybe I should 
put a stop to this..." but look how much fun they are having =)

After the dive bombing I decided I should settle them down
so we read a few books. I wish there was someone there who
could have taken a picture of this, it was so sweet!
There were two kids on each side of me on the couch
and Peyton in my lap and they just sat and listened very respectfully
It was so SWEET!
I'll babysit for you ANYTIME T! 
We had a great time

1 comment:

  1. I just came back to get the recipe you posted on here. But I could have sworn I posted on this before?! So weird. Anywhoo, I do want to explain that I do give my children haircuts and brush their hair...sometimes. LOL
